Queen of Hooves

Equine Podiatry

About Me

A lifelong love of horses has led me to my hoof obsession! I've always kept my own horses barefoot and being a constant seeker of knowledge Barefoot Trimming was the obvious career choice for  me.

When I'm not with horses, you'll find me with my nose in a book and a cup of hot chocolate handy. 

Alice in Wonderland has always been an inspiration to me - if you're a fan too you might recognise some elements in Queen of Hooves!

I am currently studying with Areion Academy and undertaking my pathological case studies.


Whole Horse Assessment

Good hoof health is a whole horse endeavour. We're going to look at the environment, diet, gait, posture, exercise and more to give a complete picture of your horse's needs 

Boot Fitting

Boots can be a wonderful tool for comfort, strengthening and rehabilitating hooves. Along with therapeutic pads you can get amazing results fast!


A balanced trim is the essential foundation for your horse's soundness. Regular trimming is recommended


Edd has never looked better, his feet are fantastically functional, and he's enjoying charging round the fields again. He's no longer foot sore on stoney surfaces, thanks to the plan Jade gave us to follow.

~ Tara, Edds Mum

Contact me

I cover parts of Cornwall and Devon, most of the area shown on the map, contact me to find out more.

Email: queenofhooves@gmail.com

Phone: 07841505361